Monday, 8 August 2011

Living on single income

Felt so stressful with work right now.But I'm hanging on to it, right now. On the bright side, hubby supported the idea of being a full time mummy. Isn't it GREAT? :)

I have concerns with it comes to living on single income, and also financial commitments. I will have to look thoroughly into it.

But anyway, one of my dreams come true. :)

Thursday, 4 August 2011

The love for pet. It stay there.

If we are moving to a new place, both of you will still be coming with us, so I thought.
When I said both of you, I meant my dogs.
When I took both of you back to home in May 2009, you both have become our family.
Family should stick together in regardless of whatever possible crisis that may arise.
Love you both, much.

To Elisha & Einstein (puppies)

Wednesday, 3 August 2011

From to heart to a little toodler (17m 2w)

I earned that much. I valued it little.
If I knew what landed me here, then I'll do what it takes to get me out of here.
Perhaps it is an impossible goal.
To quit my job - NOW.
But it doesn't mean that it is impossible.

I miss you, Mandy.
It is great waking up early in the morning. Felt like I have just overcome the first battle of the today. The spirit of victory fills mummy's heart.
But nothing will ever match to the moment when you cuddle yourself next to mummy. Your bright eyes reminds mummy of the big dream that mummy have.
Never knew, it is you.

Mummy miss you badly when mummy walked to that nursing room today, thinking how are you doing there at Ah Ma's place.
Mummy missing you badly when mummy ate lunch, thinking about you and hoping there is a chance to feed you the yummy food.

Don't get mummy wrong. Things are wonderful here, job is great here.
But you, you worth more. Special.
That's why.


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